Comparing TWO continuous build tools: Cruise Control and Hudson

Continuum, Cruise Control and Hudson are some of the famous continuous integration tools which people are using nowadays. Cruise Control is the pioneer one and people are using from a long period of time. Continuum is from the Maven team and very high integration with Maven 1 and 2. Hudson is the new one butContinue reading “Comparing TWO continuous build tools: Cruise Control and Hudson”

Configuring "Cruise Control" with "Maven2" and "Subversion 1.4.6" for continuous build environment

Continous Integration build system is very useful in a software development company where members of a team integrate their work frequently. It reduces the wastage of time and at the same time it helps us to maintain all the builds up to date. Previous week we also configured a continous build flow in our R&DContinue reading “Configuring "Cruise Control" with "Maven2" and "Subversion 1.4.6" for continuous build environment”