HSQLDB CASE-Insensitive ‘LIKE’ QUERY – THREE Implementation Methods

  Method 1: We can use the following command to change the case sensitivity of the text-comparison of any table which we are going to create. SET IGNORECASE SET IGNORECASE { TRUE | FALSE }; · Disables (ignorecase = true) or enables (ignorecase = false) the case sensitivity of text comparison and indexing for newContinue reading “HSQLDB CASE-Insensitive ‘LIKE’ QUERY – THREE Implementation Methods”

‘Hibernate Dialect property’ for Different Databases

Hibernate is the most common and famous ORM using these days. It has a property called “Dialect” through which we tells Hibernate that we are using ‘this specific’ database. Here in this post you can see the dialect property values which we have to give for different databases. Click here to Read Full Article

HSQLDB: a lightweighted relational database

HSQLDB is a relational database engine written 100% in Java , with a JDBC driver. This supports a subset of ANSI-92 SQL. It is best known for its small size, ability to execute completely in memory and its speed. It offers a small (about 100k), fast database engine which offers both in memory and diskContinue reading “HSQLDB: a lightweighted relational database”

SQLyog: a MySQL front End

SQLyog is an all-round Management Tool (GUI / Frontend) for the MySQL database. It is supported MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.1.x. I think SQLyog provides an efficient and intuitive User Interface for management of MySQL database. It is at the same time an easy-to-use tool for beginners and an efficient timesaver for MySQL powerContinue reading “SQLyog: a MySQL front End”