HSQLDB CASE-Insensitive ‘LIKE’ QUERY – THREE Implementation Methods

  Method 1: We can use the following command to change the case sensitivity of the text-comparison of any table which we are going to create. SET IGNORECASE SET IGNORECASE { TRUE | FALSE }; · Disables (ignorecase = true) or enables (ignorecase = false) the case sensitivity of text comparison and indexing for newContinue reading “HSQLDB CASE-Insensitive ‘LIKE’ QUERY – THREE Implementation Methods”

Reading Properties File from outside of a JAR File

Today in my project I had a requirement to fetch the properties file from out side of my JAR file. Its easy to pick it from the CLASSPATH of that JAR file but not that much easy to pick from a “Special location” like TOMCAT home, outside the JAR file. At first I tried toContinue reading “Reading Properties File from outside of a JAR File”

Exploring Google’s Hidden Features

Google is a great search engine, but it’s also more than that. Google has tons of hidden features, some of which are quite fun and most of which are extremely useful— if you know about them. These points are excerpted from Mr.Michael Miller‘s article published here. Google Is a Calculator When you can’t be troubledContinue reading “Exploring Google’s Hidden Features”